Attractions › Sun and the sea
While you are enjoying the crystal clear sea, your glance may come to rest on the magnificent canyons of Velika and Mala Paklenica, deeply cut into the Velebit Mountain above you, and you may not realize that they are responsible for the surprising richness of the natural pebble beaches on the Paklenica Riviera. But even those romantic souls who want hidden, rocky coves will come into their own, as they are abundant in the northwestern part of the Riviera.
Dok uživate u kristalno čistom moru, pogled Vam zastaje na veličanstvenim kanjonima Velika i Mala Paklenica duboko usječenima u planinu Velebit iznad Vas. I ne slutite da su upravo oni zaslužni za iznenađujuću raskoš prirodnih šljunkovitih plaža na Rivijeri Paklenica. Ali, ni romantične duše željne skrivenih, stjenovitih uvala neće ovdje biti zakinute jer sjeverozapadni dio Rivijere obiluje upravo njima.