TZ Info › Awards and recognitions
NACIONALNI PARK PAKLENICA – Grand prix nagrada za najbolji dokumentarni film „Bukove šume Paklenice“ na međunarodnom Festivalu turističkog i etno filma TEF 2024. održanom u gradu Krku, u okviru obilježavanja Svjetskog dana turizma.
ANTE ZUANOVIĆ - Posebna nagrada Turističke zajednice Zadarske županije za promociju zaštićenog prirodnog područja.
RAJNA OUTDOOR – Na Danima hrvatskog turizma održanima u Rovinju u organizaciji Hrvatske turističke zajednice, Ministarstva turizma i Hrvatske gospodarske komore, agencija Rajna Outdoor dobila je priznanje finalistu za Godišnju hrvatsku turističku nagradu u kategoriji aktivnog turizma
Nacionalni park Paklenica - Na Danima hrvatskog turizma 2019. održanim na području Slavonije u organizaciji Ministarstva turizma RH, Hrvatske turističke zajednice i Hrvatske gospodarske komore, Nacionalni park Paklenica dobio je godišnju nagradu Hrvatske turističke zajednice za prirodnu atrakciju godine! Nagrada „PRIRODNA ATRAKCIJA GODINE“ dodjeljuje se prirodnim turističkim atrakcijama regionalne / nacionalne razine atraktivnosti koje doprinose turističkom iskustvu destinacije.
JOLE PETRIČEVIĆ I MARIN MARASOVIĆ – priznanje Zadarskog lista i Turističke zajednice zadarske županije za doprinos stvaranju dodatne ponude i brendiranju destinacije kao inicijatorima, začetnicima i promicateljima proizvoda Winnetou
TURISTIČKA ZAJEDNICA OPĆINE STARIGRAD priznanje Zadarskog lista i Turističke zajednice zadarske županije za razvoj ponude i događanja posebnih interesa(aktivnog turizma) u razdoblju pred i posezone
Family VAN DER MEULEN – prize for the most beautiful garden of the private house in the Zadar County in the campaign of Zadar County Tourist Board and Zadarski list „Cvit za lipši svit“.
BLUESUN HOTEL ALAN – The Blue Flag an international mark of see and costal qualitty awarded by Foundation for Environmental Education Council od Europe was unfurled on the beach of Hotel Alan in Starigrad Paklenica.
BLUESUN HOTEL ALAN – the Alan Hotel Wellness Centre was declared the best authentic wellness centre in Croatia and won Blue Flower Awards of the Croatian National Tourist Board.
„VRATA VELEBITA“ – winner of the "Sunflower of Rural Tourism" award as the best family run agritourism choosen between 84 rural households from Croatia.
TOURIST BOARD OF STARIGRAD – won the prize for the project MIRILA as the most original and the most interesting tourist offer in the Zadar County in the campaign of Zadar County Tourist Board and Zadarski list „Cvit za lipši svit“.
BLUESUN HOTEL ALAN – Italian camping association Il campeggio Italiano declared the campsite Paklenica as the best campsite in the „Simpathy and Ecology“ category based on the readers` votes of this official camping association magazine.
BLUESUN HOTEL ALAN – camping Paklenica was the best campsite in the „Best camping“ category of the www.zoover.com campaign. This site is the largest European independent online travel search web site, “by travelers, for travelers“.
TOURIST BOARD OF STARIGRAD - Tourist information center Starigrad was the best tourist information center in the Zadar County in the campaign of Zadar County Tourist Board and Zadarski list „Cvit za lipši svit“.
ZORAN KATIĆ, oecc, manager of the Vicko hotel - winner of the award for the best manager in South-eastern Europe in the category of small and family hotels.
BLUESUN HOTEL ALAN the Alan Hotel Wellness Centre was declared the best authentic wellness centre in Croatia and won Blue Flower Awards of the Croatian National Tourist Board.
TOURIST BOARD OF STARIGRAD - Tourist information center Starigrad was the best tourist information center in the Zadar County in the campaign of Zadar County Tourist Board and Zadarski list „Cvit za lipši svit“.
TOURIST BOARD OF STARIGRAD – diploma for contribution to a tourism development from INTERSTAS, Interantional exhibition of tourism, film and landscape (project „Following the trails of Winnetou").
HOTEL VICKO – winner of the ADRIAN 2007 award for the best small and family hotel in Croatia.